Sunday, January 11, 2009

My initial reaction to this website is that it has a very positive welcoming feeling to it. My favorite section of this site is the “stories of hope” located under information and resources. Hearing from people who are dealing with/ have dealt with and overcome eating disorders I believe is the most meaningful and impactful. I learned that there is a NEDA conference every September in Minneapolis, I think for family or friends to be able to attend one of these would be great to become more educated on a friend or child’s eating disorder. The cool part about this site is that it is focused on parents, friends and educators of those with eating disorders so that everyone involved in a life of someone with an eating disorder can become more informed.


  1. I agree, this website is an excellent resource to anyone dealing with an eating disorder.

  2. I really liked how this website had resources for teachers. This is a touchy topic to teach, but I believe it is neccessary. Think this website would be the perfect resource.
