Monday, January 12, 2009

Size Positive Media

This website is a personal blog about radio, television, film, print, and internet that are positive and accept different body types. It has many blog entries about various topics regarding size positive media. The author uses a variety of sources and has links to many websites and videos which are size positive. This website is a bit unorganized for my taste. I think it is a bit unprofessional and lacks the information it could have. This could be due to the fact that there is a lack of size positive media. I do like the message of the website, though.


  1. I sat down and tried to think about different size-positive media things I could think about. I think the only thing that came to mind was the Dove campaign that is going on. I love the message that this campaign is sending out, but I feel as though there is a serious lack of diversity in the sense of size-positive attention. I think that more attention needs to be given to the fact that not every woman on this earth is tiny and thin...

  2. It certainly makes me think that there is a lack of size-positive media. However, while this site may be lacking now, it seems like it could become a great resource in the future.
