Monday, February 23, 2009

Fat Acceptance Stuff

Wow....I think thats about all I can say here. I had no idea that there were resources out there like this. I think this site is great because it offers fat women (and men) different resources for services that are size-accepting. I think the one that caught me most off guard was the one where you could look for a car that accommodates larger people. Another one that I thought was pretty interesting was the legal resources. I guess this is not something that would automatically come to mind, but i can only imagine how much size discrimination can effect someones life, and that goes for any service they may be looking for including legal services that are size-accepting.


  1. I thought that this was interesting too.. I thought that the info about the cars and the legal stuff was really good because most people don't realize that these resources are out there. I hope that people who really need this information are able to find it which I fear that they can't because it is not a very appealing website.

  2. I found the website helpful but would of liked to see some of this actually posted on the website itself.
