Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kelly Bliss

First off, I noticed Kelly Bliss on the International size website, and this is great that resources are connected and not seperate from each other as they are fighting for the same common goal. But this was by far one of the most influential sites about life-coaching and living life "the way you are". I really enjoyed reading about Kelly's life and her ways of helping people. She does everything from workout tapes for plus-size individuals, to provide shopping resources on-line. As a former student in the college of psychology I find it very interesting that she was a phone therapist, working through with individuals on their issues over the phones. Kelly may have had a life-altering situation happen in her life, but she turned it around to help others and in this I find her inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly's story is very inspirational and it is great to see that she used her life not to make fat people skinny, but just to help them be healthy so they can enjoy their lives to the fullest no matter what size they are.
