Thursday, January 8, 2009

Big Fat Blog-The Fat Acceptance Blog

I found this blog interesting because it talked about fatness in current events, not just a crisis in the news but also in tv shows and new accomplishments in the fight for fat people to be accepted. This blog was helpful because it was about current events it was easy to relate to but also informative by mentioning parts of the news that are not considered to be as important unless they are talking about the "fat" epidemic. I also enjoyed that this blog corrected some of the exaggerated claims of obesity in America, especially by the presidential candidates.


  1. After skimming through this blog I found it kind of disappointing that the creator would be quitting. However, she has so many followers and participators involved that I believe the cause will still live on. I think that the ripples that have been made in the Fat Equality process will get even better and stronger.
    Posted by Nicole Williamson

  2. When I finished with this class, I began to really notice the way that news and other media talk about obesity as an epidemic like its some airborne virus moving across the nation attacking people who should be thin and "healthy." It's so simplistic to equate thinness with health and fat with unhealth. It's far more of a continuum, and the constant oversimplification really hurts people on each side.
