Thursday, January 8, 2009

Eating Disorders, Disordered Culture

This particular website I found to be very helpful and impacting. It is a place where those who may be suffering from an eating disorder can come and gain information and speak out about what they are going through. Also, this is a place to read other individuals stories. Often times knowing that others are experiencing the same things you are, can be a helpful step towards recovering. Knowing that you are not alone in this can be very powerful. One story that I read and felt most connected to was the story of Christy Henrich; she was a once very prominent gymnast that had a chance at making the Olympics. Unfortunately, one little comment by a judge who told her to lose weight changed her life forever. It just shows how powerful words can be. I first read about Christy’s story in the book “Little Girls in Pretty Boxes” it discusses further the issues of body image in sports like gymnastics and ice skating. I found that book interesting and would be a good read for anyone who is interested in issues surrounding body image in sports.

1 comment:

  1. I found the stories on this website to be very powerful, if I were ever considering some sort of extreme diet I would definately refer to this website first.
