Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fat Chicks Rule

The blog “fat chicks rule” was very interesting. I know that writing can be a release for many people and I believe that is the focus of this blog. However, the convenient thing about it is that what she is saying so many people feel but they just don’t know how to vocalize it. I find blogs such as this one helpful and inspirational in the since that they speak for an unspoken majority. They allow for people who are feeling and dealing with the same issues to come together and encourage one another. In this specific blog the author discusses the issues she faces in everyday life, like not finding any stores that carry her size. She describes how all the stores that would have had her size had been removed and how frustrating it was. Overall, I applaud this woman for stepping up and speaking out about an issue that many people just don’t want to deal with.


  1. I'm glad that this woman had a strong point and purpose of her blog. She may have been kidding, but it's not really necessary for Gap, Old Navy and Macy to die. They serve a purpose too. I am happy to know that stores like Re/Dress actually exist though. My mom is a bit overweight and I've heard her complaining about stores that don't carry her size so it's nice to know that stores like that do exist.

  2. I'm so glad that websites like this exist, it's great to have a place where curvaceous women have a place to safely speak their mind and give other women strength

  3. It's blogs like this one that make me wish people struggling with weight and body image would stumble upon sites like this and not ones that promote eating disorders. Plus, blogs provide such a great avenue to reach out and connect with others.
