Friday, January 9, 2009


On the NEDA website I found it to be one of the best website that I have search on about the topic of Women weight and eating disorders. While I was searching through all the different links, I continually kept thinking of things that I would like the website to have, and then I would find it. I believe that yes, weight and eating disorders are pretty personal matters in peoples lives, but that they do not have to be alone, no one has to be alone in it. By having sources within the media, workshops, events and programs centered around ways of getting help and providing help to others I feel that the issue (weight and eating disorders) can be comfortably talked about and worked towards awareness of the issue.

I found a really great passive program that I was interested in called Media Watchdog. This is a program in which anyone nationwide can watch closely the media within newspapers, television, movies etc… and write to NEDA expressing the detriments to the advertising and influence/degradation of women within the issues of weight and eating disorders. Then NEDA works to fight against the media to eliminate the constant stream of negative influence that the media has on our society. I even joined the Facebook group called Media Watchdog, to become a participant in this great cause and invite anyone to join as well. This is a great way to make a change, and seeings how everyone is one Facebook all the time anyway, I believe this could be a great place to start, just search (Media Watchdog) and Join !!

1 comment:

  1. I also felt that this website was one of the best. It was very informative and had a lot of resources. I also appreciated and you made the point in this post that NEDA works towards fighting the media and to influence its negativity within our society.
