Friday, January 9, 2009

Eating Disorders, Disordered Culture

I really found this site to be very artist even in the detriment of the topic. I think that there need to be sites like this that really show the darkness of the diseases that eating disorders can be. While browsing the site, I really became interested in the quotes that both a women, Robin and Naomi Wolf presented.

The experience of living in a severely anorexic body, even if that body is housed in an affluent suburb, is the experience of a body living in a Bergen-Belsen… These women weigh no more than the bodies documented in the archives of what is legitimately called hell.” – Naomi Wolf

This quote paints a very scary connection to hell and a decaying body. I personally have really never had anorexia as a part of my life, but I do know that there are millions of women all over the world dealing with the issue at hand. I really feel for the women that live with this everyday and can only hope that sites like this and women like Naomi Wolf can bring to light the scariness of the diseases that kill millions of women.

Within the next quote I found it very interesting the way that it was written. There were two quotes in different colors, place between each others lines, giving it a feeling of being together as one quote but ultimately being two separate quotes. When I read these quotes my first response sent chills down my spine.

It was impossible for me to think of a world beyond my “Dieting
plate. Calorie counting, running around the track in is the most
eternal circle, were how I spent my time. I was obsessed potent
with feeling in control over something. While I was trying political sedative
to gain control over my body, I was losing control in women’s history.”
of my place in the world.
-Robin -Naomi Wolf

I can't imagine how exhausting it must be continually thinking about weight, because to be honest most to all women really have no control of their weight, and that control has a lot of key factors that are apart of it and we as human only have so much to to maintain it all. "Dieting in the most potent political sedative in Women's history." This statement within itself is the reason why I continue to fight as a feminist and question the media/society that attempts to swallow women and make them disappear.


  1. I thought this site was very eye opening as well. It brought to life the realities of women and their struggles with body image.

  2. I, too, could not imagine how tiring it must be to be constantly worried about your weight. I can relate on the level of caring how I look, though. I thought this website was a really good one.
