Friday, February 27, 2009

Back in Skinny Jeans

Wow! A magazine cover with a beautiful woman on it who wasn't showing us how slutty she can look, she looked adorable; a cute dress, very modest, and she was smiling as though she were having fun not as if she were trying to seduce us. Why do they put women on the covers of magazines who are almost completely exposing their breasts if we(women) are the target audience?


  1. Cydney I think you bring up a very good point... realistically women are the ones buying them so they will read the inside and the font/stories, but men will only see the photo on the outside, so magazines need to say everything within the photo... it's sad but true...

  2. very good observation! women magazines are for women so why do we want to see seductive naked women? we dont!
