Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Love Your Body Day:

I really like the overall positive message that this website exhibits. I especially liked the advertisement section where they showed what ads are offensive to women and which one’s are positive towards women. I guess, I never really realized how many offensive ads there are, probably due to the fact that there are so many that you become immune; however, it great to see that there are advertisements out there that show women and their bodies in a positive way.


  1. In my work with sexual assault I have to address the media on a regular basis. I hate that the media in this country is so hurtful to people that don't fit into our social constructs of what is normal. I wish that there was some way that we could impact people in advertising to make ads that are going against pop culture.

  2. This website really brought my attention to the different negative ads, like you mentioned. I, too, would love to impact the people in advertising.
