Monday, March 2, 2009

Reflecting Venus

I thought that this site had a really good idea and mission statement. I completely agree with their mission and what they are trying to do, but I think that if the site looked a little more professional and didn't have those ads at the top (which confused me at first...I thought they were links), then it would get its point across even stronger. I think that my favorite part about this site was the Big Beautiful Women section. I think that this really shows that there are people out there who stand for being large and are comfortable with who they are. I think that these women that were shown here really do a great job of being a positive role model for women everywhere that look up to them. I think that there needs to be more people out there like these "celebrities" because the more that people show support for these and other women, the closer everyone can get to accepting everyone the way they are and treat them as an equal rather than different.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the more Full figured role models there are the closer society will get to accepting all sizes of people!
